Portfolio perhaps for some people still sounds stranger. What the portfolio actually is ? Portfolio is a collection of the full report of information on documet form from a person, group, institution, organization, company or others which aimed to record the process of development in achieving the goals. There are many different types of portfolio, in the education field portfolio is used to record the progress of individual students in the process of learning and achievements, while in the field of arts, portfolio is a collection of the artist's best works. And how about the portfolio in the job field?
Portfolio is almost the same as the CV (Curriculum Vitae) which is usually to apply for a job. While the differences between the CV and Portfolio is that a portfolio containing a complete and detailed data about the biography of someone like his or her work history, accomplishments, achievment, example of projects that they have done or work examples of design & drawings (if a person works as a designer). Portfolio is usually included in the cover letter addressed to the big companies to provide accurate information and data of the applicants. This portfolio can be packaged in the form of a thin book, slide show or video in accordance with the requirements when applying for jobs.
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