Thursday, December 22, 2011

Psychotest of Draw A Man Test


Draw a man test is a form of psychotest that requires you to draw a human or person figure in three separate sheets of paper, which are to draw a man, a woman and to draw the picture of you. Then, based on the images you have created, you have to describe the age, gender and the activity they are doing.

Psychotest of Draw A Man Test is a simple and universal test, so it is quite often used in a variety of psychology issues. This test is usually used in selecting private staffs, state enterprises staffs and related government institution staffs.

Here are some tips on how to carry out the draw a man test;

  • Listen carefully and follow the instructions from the examiner or tester and ask if you are not clear yet on something.
  • Try to draw every detail of the appearance of the person or human you're drawing from head to toe.
  • Draw figures that are doing some activities such as a figure of a teacher who is teaching, the figure of the farmer that plowing a rice field or a figure of a singer sings on stage.
  • Do not erase to often the figures that you have created because it will make the paper soiled as well as it can bring a bad assessment regarding to the image.

Psychotest of Draw A Man Test is part of the graphics tests. This test is used to determine responsibility, confidence, stability and task endurance of a person. Assessment in this test lies among the quality of scratches, the scratches, shaded in drawing, strength of scratches, repetition, etc.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tricky Question in the Interview & How to Answer It

Tricky questions during an interview process sometime are asked by the interviewer to know your communication skill and your loyalty to the job. In oder to avoid answering wrong issue for each question, you can learn few questions as described here so that you can be more confident during the interview process.

Tell Us About Yourself!
This question seems very easy but be carefull in answering it because most of the job seeker answer it by describing their name, home address, origin, etc that do not lead to the answer expected by the interviewer. Your answer should be started from your last educational level, career, experience, ability or skill that you have.

Why are you interested to work in this company?
This tricky question asked to find out your readiness in attending the interview process. Prepare yourself by doing research to get enough information about the company that you’ve applied. Now you already have a plus point by doing this which is the initiative point.

Why should we hire you to work in this company?
Try not to answer it in general such as I am a hard worker, self motivated and other questions that are similar. Provide them with an answer that describe the strengths and qualifications you have that can bring positive impact on the company’s development.

Why did you quit from your previous job?
For this tricky question give a diplomatic answer and do not discredit the company where you have worked before, although it is a bad company. Keep providing the interviewer positive answer and don’t grumble about your previous job condition.

What is your weakness?
You should answer this tricky question honestly and don’t forget to explain them the efforts that you have done to overcome the weakness of yours. This can make you look great by finding your weakness aspect point and at the same time you are able to improve yourself.

Tricky questions in an interview process at one side can bring a positive thing for you because you can always “sell” yourself with the correct answer for each question the interviewer asked.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tips To Manage Salary for Saving

Managing the salary in order to live economically is not easy because there are so many temptation things in this world. Are you the one that's easy to be tempted to behave consumptive? If so, perhaps you can read these tips and start to apply it so that your salaries can be used for something that is positive and useful. The most important you can do saving as a form of investment in the future.

Upon receiving a direct salary, set aside at least 20 percent for savings and do not ever withdraw it unless for something urgent. Use the remaining 80 percent of your salary for useful things such as for fulfilling your daily life, pay the mortgage or loan (if you have a debt), buy phone credit, vehicle maintenance and for simple entertainment.

Remember to shop based on need and not based on desire. The needs are the most important.

Do not let your expenses is bigger that your income. Press your expenses as much as possible to at least break even with the salary you've gotten. Avoid debt.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Terms of Travel, Tourism, Tourism Issue and Tourism Industry

Still confused for the term of travel, tourism, tourism issue and the tourism industry? Consider the following description to help us in understanding each of that term. It is important for you who works in the tourism industry.

According to Law no. 10 in 2009;
Travel is an activity of a journey carried out by a person or group of people by visiting a specific place for the purposes of recreation, personal development, or to study the uniqueness of the tourism object or tourist attractions in a certain period;

Monday, December 5, 2011

Wartegg Psychotest in Drawing

Wartegg Psychotest is a psychological tests that has an aim to explore the character's personality, especially in terms of imagination, dynamism, emotion and control functions which belong to every person. Wartegg Psychotest related to drawing something but it does not require special drawing skill to pass this test. In Wartegg Psychotest you will be prompted to continue a number of streaks in the form of dots or lines or boxes placed in the boxes to form an image based on your imagination. There are some tips how to draw this.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Get Familiar With Papicostic Psychotest

Papicostic Psychotest is a test that aims to know the personality of a person seen from several number of aspects, especially in relation to the work conditions. Aspects include: leadership, work direction, work activities, social relations, work style, temperament and the nature of subordinate supervisor position. Papicostic Psychotest is used by HRD Department to conclude the condition of prospective employees seen from the decision-making ability, desire to achieve something, task completion, accuracy in the task, emotional control and obedience to rules.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kraepelin Psychotest & Tips How to Do It

Kraepelin Psychotest is a form of psychological tests consisting of a group of numbers arranged inlongitudinal (top to bottom) in the form of lanes. These numbers should be added in accordance with the rules of the numbers from the above to below and write the results between the numbers that have been added. Kraepelin psychotest often used in the recruitment of employees to assess the personality, speed, accuracy, talent and endurance of work.